
Our Story

In the early 1990s the Southeastern District of the LCMS determined that Stafford County was a viable location for a mission plant, so it purchased 17 acres of land as an advance site. 

In late 1999, Pastor Mike Mast was called as the mission developer, and several families organized to hold the first worship service in April 2000 at AG Wright Middle School. In April 2004, Pastor Mast accepted a call to the Houston area and Pastor Bill Hughes served the congregation as a retired pastor, until December 2005 when the Rev. Gary Rueter was installed. In the spring of 2006, the congregation moved to Winding Creek Elementary School to worship closer to its property.

The congregation built its first facility in 2010 and began holding worship there in October 2010. Pastor Rueter retired in 2013 and Pastor Jonah Burakowski served Living Hope as pastor from 2014 to 2017. The congregation was then served by vacancy pastors for the next two years. 

Our current pastor, Pastor Marcus Breitbarth, was installed as pastor of Living Hope in August 2019. Pastor Marcus wants to tell everyone that he and his family, Kim, Katelyn (15), Parker (13), and Eli (10) are happy to be part of the Christian community here at Living Hope.